Shopping Fundraisers
Amazon Smile
St. Bridget School is now registered for Amazon Smile. Whenever you purchase from Amazon, please be sure to use this link:
Purchases are exactly the same as regular Amazon, but this will credit St. Bridget a percentage each time you buy!
For questions, please contact: Lauren St. Onge
Box Tops for Education
Clip the 10¢ Box Tops coupons off participating products you purchase and submit them to the school, in a labeled bag or envelope.
St. Bridget School can submit the coupons twice a year (October, February) and receives 10¢ for each valid Box Tops coupon.Please note the coupons have expiration dates, and the school does not receive money for any expired coupons.
Visit for a list of participating products. You can also create an account online to earn even more money for our school!
For questions, please contact: Aimee Uluski at
Scrip Program
Earn money for St. Bridget School While You Shop with Scrip!
What is Scrip?
Scrip is an easy, convenient way for St. Bridget Families to help the school. Families purchase scrip, or gift cards, which we then use just like cash. There are hundreds of retailers to choose from, including stores that you frequent every week. You can use Scrip to purchase just about anything.
When you shop with Scrip, you may choose physical gift cards, ScripNow electronic gift cards, or the option to reload gift cards you’ve already purchased through Scrip. ScripNow electronic gift cards and the ReloadNow option give you the ability to use gift cards within minutes after ordering and paying for them online!
How does Scrip generate revenue for us?
Because gift cards are purchased with cash up front, the participating retailers offer a substantial discount anywhere from 2% on up. That savings is passed on as profit to St. Bridget School. For example, when you buy a $25 gift card on for “The Gap”, you get a gift card for $25 and our school receives 14% of that sale. Volume is the key, so the more families participating the better. With a school of our size using Scrip, we can easily raise thousands simply by ordering gift cards before we do our normal shopping. 100% of the rebate for purchases made from July 1 to June 1 counts towards your HSA Assessment.
How can you participate?
First, you need to get the school’s enrollment code. Due to the Scrip company policy, we can not post the enrollment code here. You will need to email Allison Polverari at to obtain the enrollment code.
Once you have the enrollment code, you can sign up for the Scrip Program at:
Physical gift cards are delivered to the school and then distributed to families. If you would like your physical gift cards sent home with your child, enter your child’s name and teacher when you sign up. If you prefer to pick up your physical gift cards at the school office, enter “office pick up” in the name of student field or teacher field.
Once registered with Scrip, you will need to also enroll in Presto Pay to pay online for Scrip purchases. Presto Pay allows you to get gift cards within minutes of a purchase with the ScripNow electronic gift cards and the ReloadNow option.
If you wish, you may also pay for gift cards with a personal check. Make checks out to ‘St Bridget HSA’ and send them to the school office (Attention Julie Kile).
For questions, please contact: Julie Kile at
Stop & Shop A+ School Rewards
You can help St. Bridget School earn money while shopping at Stop & Shop.
A+ School Rewards are points that supporters earn with each purchase made using their Stop & Shop Card. At the end of each month, the points earned are used in a calculation to determine our school’s cash total, which is then automatically credited to our school’s account.
To learn more about this program and register your card, go to
St. Bridget School’s id is 07836.
For questions, please contact: Elizabeth Salgado (
ShopRite For Education
You can help earn educational equipment for St. Bridget School when you shop at ShopRite.
To learn more about this program and register your card, go to
St. Bridget School’s id is 17481. You need to register your card yearly for this program.
For questions, please contact: Elizabeth Salgado (
Price Chopper – Tools for Schools
You can help earn educational equipment for St. Bridget School when you shop at Price Chopper.
To learn more about this program and register your card, go to
St. Bridget School’s id is 56412.
For questions, please contact: Elizabeth Salgado (
Boon Supply Online Sales
Boon Supply, formerly Mixed Bag Designs, now offers a huge variety of products!
40% of each sale goes to our school while orders are delivered directly to your home!
Thank you for supporting our school!
Any questions, please call or text Annmarie Sullivan at 203-577-5867